Welcome to Chen Pan Ling World Family!

From Chen XiaoYi

 The Tai-Chi martial arts are broad and profound. They enphasize Chinese Taoism and Confucianism, essence reconcile, and most importantly, the Taiji virtue.
My grandfather, Chen Pan Ling, took this as a heritage purposes throughout his lifetime. Thanks for the worldwide enthusiasts and supporters to promote and carry it forward. The goal of the Chen Pan Ling WorldFamily Website is to become the home of the Taiji martial artists family, and each family member can take part in this platform and exchange their learnings. I hope developing my grandfather’s martial spirit and virtue, in orde

武術博大精深,講究中國道儒思想,精氣調和.以及武德傳揚. 先祖父陳泮嶺(Chen Pan Ling)畢生以此為傳承宗旨,承蒙世界各地同好愛戴學習及發揚.陳泮嶺世界家族(Chen Pan Ling World Family) 網站,期許成為各地愛好太極武術的家,每個家族成員都能在此平台交流學習,真正以發揚先祖父的武德倫理精神為目的,使太極武術能夠源遠流傳.

武术博大精深,讲究中国道儒思想,精气调和.以及武德传扬. 先祖父陈泮岭(Chen Pan Ling)毕生以此为传承宗旨,承蒙世界各地同好爱戴学习及发扬.陈泮岭世界家族(Chen Pan Ling World Family) 网站,期许成为各地爱好太极武术的家,每个家族成员都能在此平台交流学习,真正以发扬先祖父的武德伦理精神为目的,使太极武术能够源远流传.

 太極拳武術は広く奥深いもので、中国の道教や儒教の思想を究め、精気を整え、もって武徳を称揚します。 祖父陳泮嶺は生涯その太極拳の思想を伝え、世界 各地の同好の人々の学習、発揚の啓蒙を行ってきました。陳泮嶺世界家族ネットが各地の太極拳武術愛好家が集う家となり、全ての家族メンバーがこのサイト上で交流、学習でき、祖父の武徳倫理精神を発揚することにより太極拳武術が広く伝承されることを願っております。

Call for papers on Traditional Martial Arts!

Hello everyone in the Chen Pan Ling Traditional Martial Arts Family all over the world! The development and research of Master Chen Pan Ling’s traditional martial arts and martial arts ideas have brought physical and mental health and wisdom to life for Chinese traditional martial arts lovers around the world. The World Chen Pan Ling Traditional Martial Arts Family Headquarters has decided to solicit papers from all federations around the world for the purpose of spreading the martial arts spirit and skills of Master Chen Pan Ling all over the world and raising traditional Chinese culture. We hope that family members who love traditional martial arts will actively participate and contribute papers (whether published or unpublished). After the submission of the papers, we would like to organize them at our meeting and publish them as a book of Martial Arts by Master Chen Pan Ling to commemorate his contribution to traditional Chinese martial arts. Contents: Development, dissemination, training, and games (results) of Chen Pan Ling’s traditional martial arts of each country or each group. 



  • Contents: Development, dissemination, training, and games (results) of Chen Pan Ling’s traditional martial arts of each country or each group. 
  • The value of health care and so on. 
  • Languages: English, Chinese, Japanese 
  • Words/characters: 2000 to 2500 
  • Period for submission: 
  • from December 2021 to October 2022 
  • Please send a paper to this Emai Address;    chenpanlingjapan2013@gmail.com 
  • World Chen Pan Ling Family General Assembly 
  • Advisor: Chen Yun Ching 
  • Chairman: Chen Xiao yi
Click for larger document.

入室弟子(Inner door students) as of the year 2009

John Forza (Victoria Australia) Vicki Katte (Victoria Australia) Mark Small (N.C. U.S.A) Graeme Bruce (Victoria Australia) Salma Causey (GA, U.S.A) Besufekad (Dennis)Dereje John Scott (Maryland, USA) James Ransom (N.Y. U.S.A) Lynne Boyce (Victoria Australia) Roy Harding (Victoria Australia) Karen Jensen (GA, U.S.A) Hal Mosher (CA, U.S.A) William Mioch (Victoria Australia) Brian Bruning (N.Y. U.S.A) Terry Price (Virginia U.S.A) Darren Sampson (N.S.W Australia) Randy Causey (GA, U.S.A) Dan Djurdjevic (W.A. Australia) Ron James (Victoria Australia)


We are looking for you, Inner door students ! I f you have ever had Bai Shi by Master Chen, please contact us! We have a name list of the first group in 2009, we invite you to continue to join us, let’s reunite and build the Inner door students list in the website!Here is the first group of Inner Door students that your uncle inducted in 2009 in Kaohsiung.



☯️水の知惠~隨物賦形~渾元樁(太極氣) 太極文化名家余功保先生~福岡99恊会~素晴らしい太極文化講座でした❣️ 簡単かつ丁寧な説明でわかりやすい為、受講生の皆さんに大変喜ばれました。🙂 沢山の人数によって"站椿"を練習後、初めて気の流れを感じられました👍 いろいろと少しずつですが、納得がいく事ができて大変素晴らしい経験でした。余先生に心から感謝🙏 Click here to read more👇 余功保先生/福岡太極文化講座(中国太極文化第一名人)

2023 年第八屆世界盃太極拳錦標賽/Tai Chi World Cup Championships 2023

We went to Taiwan for 5 nights 6 days from October 25 to 30. 2023年10月25日〜30日の5泊6日、私達陳泮嶺伝統武術世界家族は、太極拳世界大会が開催された台湾に行ってきました。 Click here for details below 👇 以下詳細はコチラ 👇 https://chenpanling-family.com/2023-%e5%b9%b4%e7%ac%ac%e5%85%ab%e5%b1%86%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e7%9b%83%e5%a4%aa%e6%a5%b5%e6%8b%b3%e9%8c%a6%e6%a8%99%e8%b3%bd-tai-chi-world-cup-championships-2023/

Tai Chi Stage Performance ~ Production by 99Japan 

 太極拳をもっと楽しむ 99太極日本~舞台表演~本番 日本99協会 Click here 👇 Tai Chi Stage Performance~  


Xingyiquan: Four Hands ~ taught by Master Chen Yunqing. 形意拳:四把~陳雲慶師傅傳授。   Click here 👇   https://chenpanling-family.com/?p=1928&preview=true

純陽劍:Pure Yang Sword

陳泮嶺伝統武術:純陽劍,陳雲慶師傅傳授。 Chen Pan ling Martial Arts: Pure Yang Sword, taught by Master Chen Yun qing. Click here 👇 https://chenpanling-family.com/%e7%b4%94%e9%99%bd%e5%8a%8d/

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