第二届昆明太极思享会 Chen Xiaoyi was invited to The 2nd Kunming Taiji Sixiang conference on 1-3 July 2019. 7月1日上午,三亚南山第四届世界太极文化旅游节•第二届昆明太极思享会在盛和大健康举行了隆重的开幕式。本次太极思享会由三亚南山世界太极文化旅游节组委会主办,盛和大健康承办承办。此次活动为期3天,太极主题演讲、世界太极文化巡展昆明站、全民健康计划太极进社区、太极名家表演、太极国学雅集等活动将依次呈现。 ◇ 点击此处查看文章 ☟ Click here for the article ↓ (記事はこちら↓) 第二屆昆明太極思享会
中国邯鄲楊氏太極拳之旅 2019
Chen Xiaoyi was invited to The 3rd Global Yang Taijiquan Exchange Culture Festival in Handan China and The 3rd Yang’s Taijiquan Forum East Taihang Mountains. And she attended at the worship ancestor ceremony held at the grave of Grandmaster Yang Luchan who was the founder of Yang style Taijiquan with many disciples. ◇ Click here for the article ↓ (記事はこちら↓をクリック ♪) ◇ 楊氏太極拳之旅 2019
Chen Xiaoyi was invited to The 6th East Asia Wushu Exchange Conference in Guilin China on 18-19 May 2019第六屆東亚武術交流大会in中国桂林👍2019年5月18日~19日 ◇ Click here for the article ↓ (記事はこちら↓をクリック ♪) ◇ 陳暁怡先生in中国桂林
Chen Pan Ling France visited Japan family
In April 2019, Chen Pan Ling France visited Japan family. On April 21, the members of two teams and Master Tohyama from Tokyo joined to the 34th Kitakyushu Chinese Martial Arts Performance Exchange Meeting together. Chen Pan Ling France visited Japan family
Chen Pan Ling Miami USA visited Japan family
福岡藩2代藩主黒田忠之創建の櫻井神社は約400年の歴史を誇る県指定文化財です。去る2019年3月24日、ここ櫻井神社境内、神楽殿を望む広場において陳泮嶺ファミリー 日米交流会が催されました。 Chen Pan Ling Miami USA visited Japan family
陳泮嶺大師九九太極拳 與 台灣生命動能全球愛放電 Taiwan Dynamic Life Energy 「Love Fun」Around the world with the Great master of Tai Chi Chuan 99 Form, Chen Pan Ling 九九太極拳環遊世界
Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching’s 80th Birthday Party
June 3 is my uncle(Grand Master Chen Yun Ching)’s 80th birthday, we are going to hold a birthday party for him. Students in Japan and I will go to Taiwan during 1st~6th June, to celebrate with Master Chen. Sincerely invite everyone to join, celebrate birthday together and also be exchanged, those who are interested to participate, please contact me as soon as possible in order to facilitate the schedule of activities Looking forward to seeing Taiwan in June! Chen Xiao Yi
A Tribute to Tai Chi Grandmaster Chen Panling at the 2nd Annual Sanya World Tai Chi Culture Festival
2017年4月11日 Coming Events
Sanya World Tai Chi Culture Festival combines Tai Chi competitions, demonstrations by masters of various schools of martial arts, lectures, workshops, martial arts photo exhibition, as well as calligraphy exhibition. This year, the festival will also feature performances of the Chen Panling 99 Tai Chi Form, as well as panel discussions to be participated by various renowned martial arts masters in remembrance of Grandmaster Chen Panling.